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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to AYSO Region 337



What is SKL?

Summer league pick-up games for players born 2007-2015

Thursday nights from June 20- Aug 1 at AYSO 337 (no games the week of 4th of July!)

7v7 play to maximizes touches on the ball!

$55.00 and includes t-shirt jersey



Why Play SKL this summer?!

NO weekly practices! Games only!

All games are “Show-and-Go” style! The pick-up game format allows families to travel and enjoy their summer without the guilt of not being there for their team!

NO set teams!
(Teams will be created within each age group to keep everyone safe so they can come back and play in the Fall!
Sometimes it may be necessary to combine ages in order to fill teams…safety, above all, will be used in making those decisions!)

A new SK(il)L introduced each week!

This summer we will be covering the Elements of Gaining/Maintaining Possession!

One less night to play Entertainment Director at home!

Let your player see their friends and teammates all summer long! 

Keep your kiddo fit and busy while sitting in a swing in the pavilion or on a blanket in our beautiful park! 
Talk a walk on the Sterchi Greenway while games are running
(parent watched) Younger siblings welcome to shoot on small nets on Field 1! age-appropriate soccer balls provided! 


What Do I Need To Do?!

Register for SKL and invite lots of friends to come play with you!


What Will My Player Need?

Players are asked to wear their SKL t-shirt (Included in registration fee and given out week 1! That will be your players jersey…white pinnies will be use to differentiate teams (provided and given out by Volunteers prior to games each week).

COVERED shin guards, are required, cleats are NOT...**BUT** if worn, cleats must be SOCCER cleats… not football or baseball cleats… players will be asked to watch, listen, and learn from the sidelines until/unless approved footwear can be provided.

A soccer ball for warm ups

Cold water provided by AYSO UNITED 7021 each week, but players must bring a bottle to fill!

                                         What is required of a SKL volunteer?

Great Question!
So glad you asked!


If you are interested in helping run SKL games, 
there will be **TWO volunteer orientation opportunities!
Thursday, June 6 and Thursday, June 13  at 337!

**One orientation is required of all volunteers who want to help with SKL…
if you cannot make one of these nights, we would love to have your help in the Fall!

Volunteers will be instructed on how to register on the AYSO 337 website
and complete their
Background Check, (paid for by AYSO 337) SafeHaven, SafeSport, Concussion, and Sudden Cardiac Awareness online training 
at orientation!


**Current Spring 2024 Volunteers** Your BGC is good for ONE YEAR from the date you completed it last… please make sure you’re updated! You guys are the best!! Thank you for everything you do! 

What do volunteer game managers do?!  We all know that a coach can cover a topic at great length before a practice and yet once the game whistle blows, players default into all out soccer…often-times completely forgetting the topic of focus!  Game managers will be on the sideline to remind players of the weekly topic while they are playing, and recognize and encourage player effort in demonstrating or putting into practice the weekly SKL! More on this at orientation!

At the heart of SKL was my desire to create a space where players could come together and HAVE FUN all Summer long
while still sharpening their SKL’s to emerge stronger on the pitch in the Fall!
We want all players to show up each week EXCITED to PLAY and DEVELOP in a FUN and ENCOURAGING environment!



6:00 pm

Players and Volunteers arrive!

Player warm-up

  1. 6:00-6:10 All players will begin on Field 5 with ON GROUND passes and quick touches!
  2. 6:10-6:20 Boot ball…U10/U12 on Field ___  (tba) all older players on Field ___(tba)
  3. Keepers may choose a net and 2 players to warm them up on Field ___ (tba)



All players to the pavilion for weekly SKL introduction led by Coach Liss.
At the same time, volunteers will be grouping players by age and doing some quick soccer math to create teams! 
(players must in line in order to be counted!)

 *Ideally, all games will be played 7v7 but that exact math may not be possible each week according to the number of players that show up…
volunteers will hear more on this and how to create teams at Volunteer Orientation!



*Ideally* Games will begin!
***Please understand that the first evening will run longer as players are introduced to how SKL will run each week!
After this, all fingers crossed, games will start on time!
Games will run about an hour…maybe longer for older teams!
More on game rules/specifics at Volunteer Orientation!


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Contact Us


Region 337 Complex, 2065 Rifle Range Dr
Knoxville, Tennessee 37918

Email Us: [email protected]
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